Well, I am simply not a "roadie" All there is to it. I dislike road biking so much that I have not been on that bike since around 2008, the last time I road Solvang! I had a really long week at work last week, including expedited, technical depositions and trips to San Diego. I felt mentally whipped, sleep, water and food deprived by Friday.
Left in the afternoon on Friday for the Krongburg Inn in Solvang. Once getting there, I had work via laptop and phone until nearly 11:00 p.m. Friday night. Had a very quick dinner at some busy place who gave me a cream sauce dinner by mistake - I don't tolerate dairy. I ate it anyway. Bad!! - I was up most of the six hours I had for sleep being sick and in bathroom.
Up at 4:30 a.m. - Had a great room, five blocks from starting line and my car parked right outside my door. Nice! - 32 degrees in the morning, headed for the starting place. I started the ride feeling very fast and strong and having a blast. Never felt that strong on a road bike, certainly not at Solvang! The first 50 miles was really fun. Coach Lou told me (remember this is a training ride for Counting Coup) The goal was to be consistent and very little resting or stopping. The first aid station came up around mile 22, keeping with my goal, I road right by it.
Mile 44, refill water, strip cold gear. Mile 70, 7 minute-stop for water and some cliff blocks. Other than that, no stops except for traffic lights, fooling with my HR strap, which recording Doug and not me! ARGGGG - Need to figure out why Garmin's just grab whatever heart rate is nearby?
Mile 72, I hit a wall, I mean a wall! People were passing me and I was very unhappy with myself. I am not sure if I was dehydrated, I am used to wearing a camelbak and not drinking from water bottles? - Sick the night before? Rough work week and no training; not sitting my butt on a road bike for years and it's a totally different geometry than my mt bike? Maybe I started too fast and hard? Well, my excuses could go on and on. I was so disappointed my myself that it was tough to keep going the more angry I was becoming.
Quitting was not an option. I finally started talking to myself, reminding myself that this ride is a training ride for April 7th. This pain will pay off for Counting Coup - Dig Deep and pedal damn it!
Then I saw a climb coming. I think Couch Lou has created a monster in me. I like to climb now! That climb brought back my mojo! -- I recovered and got a second wind! I was flying again and felt strong and finished strong for the end of 100 miles. My time was way off from my goal. But I am happy I kept going. It was was big lesson.
I really have to nail down what I can eat and not eat, before a ride, during a ride, etc. No switching hammer gel to gu gel - I need my camel bak ! - no bars, too heavy for me! Cliff blocks, margarita, yes!
SO disappointed in myself, I got a grip and said, "Cheryl, remember when the fact you even could finish a Century was a success?" Now I am not happy because I did not do it in six hours? Whoa, remember happiness is a choice! I am HAPPY I did my best, and doing your best is always good enough, folks! That is from my lesson from yesterday's ride and I hope I don't forget it again! Oh, and Taco Bell!! yes, I only had time for Taco Bell after riding 105 miles. Two bites of a combo burrito and one taco, no cheese! What happened to Steak and Lobster?
Okay, people. It's time for you all to be sending me prayers and endurance for April 7th! It's coming up!!
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